
The Glynne Arms


The Siden House
"The Crooked House"

On the edge of the Himley Estate lies the The Glynne Arms (more popularly known as the Crooked House or The Siden House). It is a house that has suffered badly from mining subsidence. It lies on what was the divide between Sir Stephen Glynne's land and that of the Earl of Dudley.

Glynne removed too much of the coal that lies underneath with the obvious result. As the result of an optical illusion, without even taking a drink, beer bottles can really be seen to roll up the table!

Some years ago, the pub was shifting and sinking but buttressing prevented further damage but left it tilted some 15 degrees out of true. Doors, floors and windows all sit at odd angles to one another, causing patrons difficulty upon entering the pub and walking to the bar.

The sloping floor creates an eerie illusory sensation, making drinkers feel drunk after only a pint or two.

Gornal rhyme about the Crooked House...

"Cum in an av sum hum brewd erl
Stop as lung as yom erbul
At a public called the Siden House
Weer the beer runs up the terbul.

"The Siden House"

a tuneful tribute to the pub,
with words by Fred Lyric and Dan Beno,
music composed by Fred Street.

Verse 1
If your footsteps stray
Down Himley way,
When you're strolling
from Dudley town.
There's a pub there you'll find
of a curious kind,
Which lately has won great renown. No doubt some have seen
This house that I mean,
If so, then I'm sure you'll agree,
Although it stands slanting,
It's really enchanting,
And an ideal place for a spree.
So when you're that way,
Just hear what I say.

Go and have some
home-brewed ale,
And stop as long as you're able
at "The Siden House,"
Where the marble runs up the table. You can't walk straight
when you get inside,
Believe me when I say it,
It's a kind of a motion, You feel on the ocean,
Well that's alright now, ain't it.

Verse 2
As you enter the place There's a smile on your face,
From the moment you enter the door, Though you try all your might,
You can't walk upright,
The sensation is funny, I'm sure. Pictures, jugs, clocks and all, Other things on the wall,
Seem as if there no longer they'll stay, And the more that you see,
With me you'll agree,
It's well worth a visit to pay. So when you're that way, Just hear what I say.

Verse 3
They've a smoke room inside, The world they've defied,
For to stand straight against the wall. They've a clock there as well,
Now it's hard for to tell,
If it's likely, to stand up or fall. The scenery around,
No better is found,
But who makes the spot so complete?
Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, He makes it a smile-land,
For close by is his Staffordshire seat So when you're that way,
Just hear what I say.

Interior photographs circa 1930

Interior photographs circa 2002

courtesy of Kieron at the excellent Pubs & Breweries of the Midlands website.

Crooked House circa 1901
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