Jones's Merchantile Directory
of the Iron District of
South Staffordshire & East Worcestershire
© Ian Beach January 2004
SEDGLEY is distant 2 miles from Bilston, 11 from Birmingham , and 3 from Dudley .
- High St, Sedgley - J. W, Thompson, postmaster. Money Order Office and Saving Bank.
- Upper Gornal - Mrs. Mary Bytheway, postmistress.
- Lower Gornal - Edward Ratcliffe, postmaster. Money Order Office and Savings Bank.
- Coseley - John James, receiver. Letters via Bilston.
- Woodsitton - Reuben Jevon, receiver. Letters via Dudley .
- Police Sergeant - Joseph Tomlinson. Office, Bilston st, Sedgley.
- Ditto, Robert Tubman Office, Coseley lane.
- Poor Rate Collectors - Joseph Hughes and Simon Stanley, Sedgley.
- Poor Rates District Clerk - Joseph Smith.
- Secretary to Workmen's Club - Joseph Cox, High st, Sedgley.
- Registrar of Births, Deaths, &c. - Richard S. Parkes, Sedgley.
- All Saints, Sedgley - Rev. William Lewis, MA., & R.D., vicar.
- St. Peter's, Upper Gornal - - Rev. George G. Woodhouse, MA., incumbent. Rev. Charles G. Woodhouse, B.A,, curate.
- St. James's, Lower Gornal - Rev. James Y. Booker, MA., incumbent. Rev. John Birch, MA., curate.
- Christ Church , Coseley - Rev. S. Thomas, MA., Incumbent. Rev. C. Bachelor, M.A., curate.
- Congregational Chapel, Bilston st, Sedgley Rev. A. Warner; Upper Gornal , Rev. S. Coombs.
- Baptist - West Coseley , Rev. James Morris; Roseville , Rev, F. Perkins ; Darkhouse lane,
- Rev. B. C. Young ; Lower Gornal , Rev. Simeon Burns.
- Methodist New Connexion. - Gornal wood; Lower Gornal; Swan village; and Wallbrook.
- Primitive Methodist - Tipton rd, Sedgley; Cinder hill ; Daisy bank ; Lower Gornal ; and Sodom , Coseley.
- Unitarian, Coseley lane.
- Wesleyan - Bilston st, Sedgley ; Upper Gornal ; Can lane ; Roseville ; West Coseley ; and Gornal Wood
- Roman Catholic, Sedgley - Rev. John Day .
- National (All Saint's), Sedgley - W. H. Fletcher, master. A. Fletcher, mistress.
- Ditto (St. Peter's), Upper Gornal - W. S. Roberts. master. Catherine Roberts, mistress.
- Ditto (St. James'), Lower Gornal - Edward Ratcliff, master. Hannah Hale, mistress.
- Ditto ( Christ Church ), Coseley - Matthew Ford, master. Emely Chandler, mistress.
- Ditto ditto, West Coseley - John Evans, master. S. Evans, mistress.
- British, Ruiton, Upper Gornal - Isaac Thomas, master. Sarah Hall, infants' mistress.
- Baptist, Darkhouse lane, Coseley. John D. Rodway, master.
- Congregational, Bilston st, Sedgley - William Holland, master. V. Jenkins, mistress.
- Wesleyan, Can Jane - Fanny Fellows, mistress.
- Roman Catholic, Lower Gornal - John Coulson, master. Ann Coulson, mistress.
- Addenbrooke Caleb, shopkeeper, Gornal wood, Lo wer Gornal
- Addenbrook Thos, shpkpr, Lower Gornal
- Allen Simeon, screw and rivet manu facturer, Sodom house, Coseley
- Ashcroft Joel, butcher, Can lane
- Aston John, Vine and shpkpr, Dudley rd
- Aston John, grocer, Upper Gornal
- Baines Joseph, beer retlr, Lower Gornal
- Baker John, butcher, Cinder hill
- Baker John & Joseph, rivet, screw, and screw bolt Manufacturers, Ettingshall
- Baker Joseph, musical instrument dealer, Wallbrook
- Baker William, hairdresser and boot maker, Coppice, Coseley
- Ballenden John McNab & Son, surgeons; Upper Gornal ; and Dudley rd
- Barnbrook Josh; shopkeeper, Bilston st
- Bassett William, linendraper, Gornal wood, Lower Gornal
- Bate James, brickmaker, Upper Gornal
- Bates James, firebrick manufacturer; Dudley rd; and Can lane
- Beardmore Joseph, Coseley Tavern, and provision dealer, Coppice, Coseley
- Beddard Joseph, Fiddler's Arms, Gornal wood, Lower Gornal
- Beech Saml, shpkpr, Tunnel ter, Coseley
- Bennett Ephraim, clock and watch maker, Lower Gornal
- Bennett George, butcher and shopkeepr, West Coseley
- Bennett Joseph, bootmakr, Gornal wood
- Bissell James, grocer, Wallbrook
- Blackham John, screwmkr, Upr Gornal
- Blackham Thomas, builder and bricklayer, Upper Gornal
- Boater Ann, grocer, Swan village
- Bodenham Edward, wheelwright and blacksmith, Upper Gornal
- Boulton J, shopkeeper, Can lane
- Bowyer James, blacksmith, Dudley rd
- Bowyer Richard, butcher, Gornal wood
- Bradbury William H, grocer, Bilston st; and Stafford house, Wolverhampton
- Bradley Eli, shopkeeper, Lower Gornal
- Bradley John, auctioneer, land and mine purveyor, Ruiton, Upper Gornal ; and High st, Dudley
- Brecknell Emma, Red Cow, Lwr Gornal
- Brookes Joseph, nailfactor, Lwr Gornal
- Brown Joseph, bootmaker, Sedgley
- Bunch Thomas Gordon, maltster, brewer and miller, Gornal wood
- Burrows John, shopkeeper, Gornal wood
- Caddick Isaac, rivet and nail manufac turer, and maltster, Coppice
- Caddick John & Co, chain and iron merchants, Coppice
- Cadman & Son, grocers, High st
- Carter Abraham, Horse and Jockey, Cinder bill
- Carter Benjamin, hay and straw dealer, Gornal wood
- Cartwright E. P, maltster, Upr Gornal
- Cartwright Edward P. & Co, fireclay works, and brick mnfctrs, Upr Gornal
- Cartwright Jonas, butchr, Gospel end
- Cartwright Jph R, Maltster, Upr Gornal
- Cartwright Joshua, White Chimneys, Gornal wood
- Cartwright Philip, hairdresser, High st
- Cartwright Richard, Green Dragon, Upper Gornal
- Cartwright William, grocer, Up. Gornal
- Caswell Benjamin, shopkeeper
- Chavasse Benjamin, coalmaster, Mount pleasant , Coseley
- Chesterton Abraham, bootmkr, Roseville , Coseley
- Church George, wheelwright
- Church Thomas, grocer, Wallbrook bridge, Coseley
- Clark William, beer retailer and shopkeeper, Lower Gornal
- Clarke Jph T, furniture dlr, Upr Gornal
- Clarke Samuel, greengrcr, Gornal wood
- Clempson S, grocer, Mumble sq, Coseley
- Colbourn Alfred, fireclay and brick works, Swan village
- Colbourn Samuel, beer retailer, Mumble square, Coseley
- Collins Isaac, beer retailer and shopkpr, Can lane
- Collins Joseph, Horse and Jockey, Fullwood's end, Coseley
- Collins Joseph, shopkeepr, Lower Gornal
- Collins Samuel John, brickmakcr, Barr's meadow, Lower Gornal
- Collins Thomas, butcher, Upper Gornal
- Connoly John, pawnbkr, West Coseley
- Cornfield John, shopkeeper, Can lane
- Corvesor William, grocer, Gornal wood and Wallbrook
- Coslett Thomas Edward, blacking and cement manufacturer, Can lane
- Cotterill John, beer rtlr, Coppice, Coseley
- Cox Benjamin, grocer, Bilston st
- Cox Thomas, butcher, High st
- Cox William, greengrocer, Coppice
- Cresswell Edw L, grocer, Woodsitton
- Cresswell J. S, nail manfctr, Tipton rd
- Crook Ann, provision and flour dealer, Coppice, Coseley
- Darby Mary, shoe and leather dealer, Upper Gornal
- Davies Elizabeth, grocer, Upper Gornal
- Davies John, druggist, Upper Gornal
- Davies John, bootmaker, Upper Gornal
- Davies Saml, earthnwre dlr, Upr Gornal
- Davis Thomas, coal dealer, Gospel end
- Dean John, baker, Castle st
- Dicken Isaiah, Star, and maltster, Wallbrook
- Dimmocks & Martin, ironmasters. Parkfield
- Dudley Benjamin, shopkeeper, Dudley 's buildings, Leg lane, Coseley
- Edwards Joseph, grocer, Cinder hill
- Edwards Rd, plumber, &c, Swan village
- Egerton Mary, shopkeeper, Coseley
- Egginton John, grocer, Church st
- Ellis John, lime merchant, High st
- Elwell Jonah, furniture broker, Full wood's end, Coseley
- Elwell Thomas, shopkpr, Sodom , Coseley
- Elwell & Willets, nail mnfctrs, High st
- Ensor William, beer retlr, Spring vale
- Evans Samuel, White Lion, Bilston st
- Evans Rd, shpkpr, Yew tree In, Coseley
- Fellows Isaac, builder, Gornal wood
- Fellows John, Bush, Gornal wood
- Fellows John, butcher, Can lane
- Fellows Jph, cornfactor, Cooper's bank, Gornal wood
- Fellows Josh, Boat, Can lane
- Fellows William, shpkpr, Coppice, Coseley
- Fereday Thomas, plumber, &c
- Field George, baker, grocer, and corn dealer, Lower Gornal
- Finney Ambrose, beer retailr, Roseville , Coseley
- Fisher Isaac, Chapel House, Lwr Gornal
- Fisher John, fireiron maker, Dudley rd
- Flavil John, shopkeeper, Lower Gornal
- Flavell Wm, beer rtlr, Roseville , Coseley
- Fletcher Abel, corn miller
- Fletcher Elizabeth , Fox Yard, Woodsitton
- Foster Thomas, shopkeeper, Tipton rd
- Fox Eli, butcher, High st
- French John, Court House, Gospel end
- Fullwood Henry, Horse Shoe, and malt ster, Upper Gornal
- George Wm, bootmaker, Swan village
- Gettins George, stone and marble mason, Brierlev lane, Coseley (Coseley
- Gibbons Benj, coalmstr, Yewtree colliery
- Gibbons Benjamin (executors of), fire brick and clay works, Deepdale, Lower Gornal - J. Fellows, manager
- Gibbons William Edgeworth, ironmastr, Deepfields furnaces, Coseley
- Giles Thomas, shopkeeper, Cinder hill
- Goldstone M, plumber, &c, Lwr Gornal
- Gough Levi, printer and bookbinder, Edge st, Wallbrook
- Grainger William, bootmaker, Coseley
- Greathead Peter, shpkpr, Upper Gornal
- Greaves Mary, maltster, Woodsitton
- Green Benjamin, shpkpr, Upper Gornal
- Green Josh, butcher, Bilston st
- Green Thomas, ironfounder, Coseley
- Greene John, surgeon, High st Greenway A. E, solicitor, Albert house, Coseley
- Greenaway Joseph, shpkpr, Gornal wood
- Griffith P, Rising Sun, Darkhouse lane, C oseley
- Griffiths Enoch, tailor, Can lane
- Groucutt Samuel & Son, Coal and iron masters and provision dealers, Coseley
- Grove Robert George, saddle and harness maker. Darkhouse lane, Coseley
- Groves Thomas, saddler, Can lane
- Guest Ann, beer retailer, Gornal wood
- Guest Edward, butcher, Gornal wood
- Guest Edward F, butcher and grocer, Lower Gornal ; and Gornal wood
- Guest James, plumber, &c, and beer retailer, Upper Gornal
- Guest Joseph H, gardener and Seedsman, Upper Gornal
- Guest Zachariah, Horse & Jockey, Lwr Gornal
- Haden Henry, surgeon, High st
- Hair Walter T, Woodcross, Woodcross
- Hale Daniel, bootmaker, Gornal wood
- Hale Thomas, grocer, Gornal wood
- Hall Anthony F, maltster
- Hall John, grocer, Swan village
- Hall John & Son, nail manufacturers, Upper Gornal
- Hall Joseph, shopkeeper, Darkhouse In, Coseley
- Hall Stephen, bootmaker, Skidmore row, Coseley
- Hampton Thos, Mount pleasant , Coseley
- Hampton T, provn dlr, Ivy house, Coseley
- Hancox Esther, draper, Upper Gornal
- Hancox Joseph, beer retailer, Skidmore row, Coseley
- Hancox Jph, shopkpr, Roseville , Coseley
- Hancox Wm, shoemaker, Bilston st
- Harbage Sarah, milliner, Upper Gornal
- Harcourt Thomas, grocer, Upper Gornal
- Harper James, Crown, and nail factor, High st
- Harper John, tailor, Bilston st
- Harper Joseph, wire worker, and riddle maker, Sodom , Coseley
- Harris James, butcher, Ettingshall
- Harris James, butcher, Sodom , Coseley
- Harris William, butcher and beer retailer, Chapel st, Wallbrook
- Harrison Jph ,provision dealer, Daisybank
- Hartill James, beer retailer, Lower Gornal
- Hartill Richd, stone mason, Upper Gornal
- Hartland Chas, builder, &c, Dudley rd
- Hartland Joseph, carpenter, &c, Coppice
- Hartland Joseph, builder, Upper Gornal
- Hateley J H, druggist, Roseville , Coseley
- Hemmings Jas, bootmaker, Upper Gornal
- Hewitt John, carpenter, &c, Coppice
- Hickin Philip, surgeon, Lower Gornal
- Hickman Ann, shopkeeper, Gornal wood
- Hickman Frances, grocer, Gornal wood
- Hickman James, butcher, Church st
- Hide John, beer retailer and shopkeeper, Upper Gornal
- Higgs Jph, Railway tavern, Wallbrook
- Higgs Joseph, beer retailer, West Coseley
- Hill & Dudley coal masters, Can lane
- Hill Henry, lime, coal, and iron master, Cinder hill
- Hill Martin Rbt, nail factor and grocer, High st
- Hillman John, beer retailer, Cinder hill
- Hilton John, carpenter
- Hincks, John, butcher, Wallbrook
- Hipkins John, spade and shovel maker and Fountain, Round's hill, Coseley
- Hobson Thos, shopkeeper, Lower Gornal
- Hodgkiss Henry, painter, &c, Coppice
- Holdnall Thomas, provision dealer and butcher, Wallbrook
- Homer William, iron bucket and basket manufacturer, Coseley
- Hood Joseph, beer retailer and brass founder, Swan village
- Horton William, bootmaker, Wallbrook
- Hughes Ann, Limerick , Gornal wood
- Hughes Benj, brickmaker, Lower Gornal
- Hughes Charles, butcher, Lower Gornal
- Hughes Daniel, Rifle Corps, Coppice
- Hughes Elizabeth, shopkpr, Upper Gornal
- Hughes Herbert, contractr, Lower Gornal
- Hughes John, Bull's Head, Bilston st
- Hughes John, shopkeeper, Gornal wood
- Hughes Joseph, Forge, Gornal wood
- Hughes L, ladies' school, Lower Gornal
- Hughes Thos, Hurst Hill tavern, Coppice
- Hughes Wm, Woodman, Gornal wood
- Hughes William & Sons, coalmasters, Graveyard Colliery, Lower Gornal
- Humphries John, iron bucket, basket and air-pipe manfctr, Skidmore rw, Coseley
- Humphryson Richd, shopkeeper, High st
- Hyde Henry, shopkeeper
- Hyde John senr, beer retailer, Rueton, Upper Gornal
- Hyde John junr, beer retailer, and shop keeper, Upper Gornal
- Hyde Jph, Forge, Hammer and Speedwell
- Hyde Samuel, grocer, Woodcross
- Ivens Thomas, linendraper, Upper Gornal
- Jackson David shopkeeper, Wallbrook
- Jackson Samuel, Ivy House, Coseley ln.
- Jeavons T,Gate Hangs Well, Mumble sq
- Jenkins Joseph Hartwright, newsagent and hairdresser, Upper Gornal
- Jenkins Sarah, Red Lion, Bull ring
- Jevon Benj, bootmaker, Swan village
- Jevons Jph, beer retailer, West Coseley
- Jevons John, Five Ways , Lower Gornal
- Johnson Benjamin, Talbot, and coal master, Cinder hill
- Johnson Charles, Rose and Crown, and nail manufacturer, West Coseley
- Johnson Daniel, Crown, Upper Gornal
- Johnson James, beer retailer, High st
- Jones Benjamin, Bull's Head, Mount pleasant , Coseley
- Jones Daniel, beer retailer, Gornal wood
- Jones Edward, shopkeeper, Lower Gornal
- Jones Fanny, shopkeeper, Dudley rd
- Jones Geo, Wagon & Horses, Lwr Gornal
- Jones George, iron basket maker, Mount pleasant , Coseley
- Jones Isaac, nail factor, Lower Gornal
- Jones John, ironmaster, Spring vale, Ettingshall
- Jones John, Bull's Head and shopkeeper, Lower Gornal
- Jones John, Old Bush, Gospel end
- Jones John, blacksmith, High st
- Jones Joseph, shopkeeper, Gornal wood
- Jones Richard, chimney sweeper, Dark house lane, Coseley
- Jones Sarah, Old Gate, Can lane
- Jones Thos, bootmaker, Lower Gornal
- Jones William, leather cutter and boot maker, Coppice
- Jukes Hannah, Britannia, Upper Gornal
- Kay Wm, butchr, Tunnel terrace, Coseley
- King Thomas, coalmaster, Woodsitton
- Kimm Thomas, wrought iron fire-proof safe manufacturer, Coppice
- Lane John bootmaker, Dudley rd
- Law John, locksmith, High st
- Law J, Pied Bull, Graveyard, Lwr Gornal
- Law Win, White Lion, Upper Gornal
- Lee Joseph, corn miller, Lower Gornal
- Lees Ambrose, beer retailr, Lower Gornal
- Lees William, coal dealer, Upper Gornal
- Leedham John, tailor, Coseley
- Lester & Higgins, nail manfactrs, Can Ln
- Letts James, shopkeeper, Can lane
- Letts James, grocer, Cinder hill
- Lewis James, beer retailer, and grocer, Skidmore row, Coseley
- Lewis William, beer retailer and grocer, West Coseley
- Light James, shopkeeper, Wallbrook
- Lloyd Saml, fishmo n ger, Tunnel terrace, Coseley
- Loft William, Whitehouse, Daisy bank
- Lyddiard Henry, bootmaker, Coppice
- McCourt John, grocer and pawnbroker, Wall brook
- Mapp James, draper, Bull ring
- Marcton James, shopkeepr, Gornall wood
- Marsh Daniel, Bull and Butcher, and butcher, Upper Gornal
- Marsh Enoch, shopkeeper, Gornal wood
- Marsh Isaac, beer retailer and butcher, Lower Gornal
- Marsh James, shopkeeper Lower Gornal
- Marsh Jeremiah, cooper, Upper Gornal
- Marsh Job J, beer retailer, Gornal wood
- Marsh Manoah, shopkpr, Lower Gornal
- Marsh Rchd, beer retailer, Gornal wood
- Marsh Richard, tailor, Upper Gornal
- Marsh Thomas, Grand Junction , and butcher, Dudley rd
- Marsh Wm, hammer mkr, Gornal wood
- Marson John, nailmaker, Barr's meadow, Lower Gornal
- Marson Sarah, saddler, High st
- Mason Jas, British Queen, West Coseley
- Mason Selina, schoolmistress, Woodsitton
- Meanley Elisha, Jolly Crispin, Upr Gornal
- Meredith Jph, nail factor, Upper Gornal
- Millington Dvd. joiner, Roseville , Coseley
- Millington Saml, haberdshr, Lwr Gornal
- Mills Edwd, greengrocer, Swan village
- Mills John, beer retailer, and firebrick maker, Can lane
- Mills Josh, fireiron manufctr, Tipton rd
- Mills Richd, beer retailer, Swan village
- Minshall Thos, blacksmith, Gornal wood
- Moodey Henry, hairdresser, Daisy bank
- Moore Owen, porkbutcher, Upper Gornal
- Morgan Richard, shopkeeper, Castle st
- Morgan Rachael, Limerick , Upper Gornal
- Munslow William, cooper, Coseley
- Naylor John, Prince of Wales, and boot maker, Woodsitton
- Naylor Joseph, shoemaker, High st
- Naylor Saml, beer retailer, Upper Gornal
- Newton Henry Skidmore, limemaster
- Nicklin Edwd, bootmaker, Gornal wood
- Nichols Benj, beer retailer, Upr Gornal
- Nichols James, coal proprietor and quarry owner, Can lane
- Nicholls Joseph, shopkpr, Sodom , Coseley
- Nicholls Robert 0, grocer, Wallbrook
- Oakley Joseph, ironfounder, engineer, and pump maker, Edge st, Wallbrook
- Oakley Josh, iron safe manfctr, Coppice
- Oakley Richard, grocer and druggist, Gornal wood
- Page John, butcher, Bilston st
- Page Thos, beer retailer, Upper Gornal
- Page William, shopkeeper, Cinder hill
- Parker Jno, grcr & maltstr, Upper Gornal
- Parker. John, shopkeeper, Upper Gornal
- Parker Josh, carpenter, High st
- Parker Rebecca, Queen's Head, Up Gornal
- Parker Sampson, wheelwrig ht, High st
- Parker Susannah, grocer, Upper Gornal
- Parkes Ann, shopkeeper, Woodsitton
- Parkes Ann, shopkeeper, Gornal wood
- Parkes Benjamin, whitesmith and ironfounder, Woodsitton
- Parkes Edwd C, maltster, Lower Gornal
- Parkes William Henry, painter and glazier, Lower Gornal
- Parry Robert, tailor, Bilston st
- Parsons George, provision dealer and beer retailer, Wallbrook
- Passmore James, butcher, Gornal wood
- Payton John, shopkeepr, Lower Gornal
- Payton Richard,dealer in roman cement, Gornal wood
- Payton Thos, nail and chain manfr, and grocer, Barr's meadow, Lower Gornal
- Peacock Jno, Miner's Arms, Upper Gornal
- Peake William, beer retailer, Ettingshall
- Percival J. & E. & Son, chain makers,. Roseville , Coseley
- Percival Thos, Royal, and grocer, Rose ville , Coseley
- Perry James, butcher and shopkeeper, Upper Gornal
- Perry William, shopkeepr, Lower Gornal
- Perry Wm E , Bull's Head, Gornal wood
- Perry William & Samuel, coalmasters, Sedgley park collieries
- Pincher Richd, paintr & glazier, High st
- Podmore Thos, bootmaker, Daisy bank
- Porter Mary Ann, shopkeeper, Bilston st
- Powers Benj, shopkeepr, Lower Gornal
- Price Hannah, butcher and provision dealer, Wallbrook
- Prince Thomas, beer retailer, Roseville , Coseley
- Pritchard Jph, beer retailer, Ettingshall
- Pugh James, shopkeeper, Upper Gornal
- Pugh Josh, brickmaker, Can lane
- Pugh Joseph, shopkeeper, Can lane
- Pupslow Thomas, shopkeeper, Bilston st
- Raybould John, beer rtlr Lower Gornal
- Raybould Thos, shopkeeper, Upper Gornal
- Richards Elzbth, beer rtlr, West Coseley
- Richards Mary, Black Horse, Sodom Coseley
- Richards Noah, shopkeeper, Roseville , Coseley
- Richards Richd, prov d1r, West Coseley
- Richards W m, shpkpr, Roseville , Coseley
- Richards Wm, prov dlr, Sodom , Coseley
- Richmond Edward, grocer, Coppice
- Roberts Wm Simon, professor of music, Upper Gornal
- Rooker Abel, surgeon, Lower Gornal
- Rose George, saddler, Can lane
- Round David, tailor, Sodom , Coseley
- Rubery Thos, beer retailer, Wallbrook
- Rudge Edwin, greengrocer, Cinder hill
- Rudge John, beer retailer, Can lane
- Rudge Joseph, Gate, Can lane
- Ruge Peter, beer retailer, Daisy bank
- Salt Mary, shopkeeper, Mount pleasant, Coseley
- Sheldon Edwin, Seven Stars, Gospel end st
- Sheldon E. & Co, ironfounders and hollow ware mfrs, Cannon foundry, Coseley
- Shenton Wm, shopkeepr, Upper Gornal
- Sherwin Eliza, ladies' boarding school
- Short Josh, shopkeeper, High st
- Shorthouse Thos, shpkpr, Swan village
- Simons Charles, shopkeeper, Wallbrook
- Sirrell Jas, blacksmith, Darkhouse lane Coseley
- Skidmore John, Union , and butcher, Wallbrook
- Slater Samuel, shopkeeper, Can lane
- Smallman Elizabeth, Bird in Hand, Sodom , Coseley
- Smallman James & Job, ironfounders, Hop yard iron foundry, Coseley
- Smallman Job, shopkeeper, Can lane
- Smith A, nail factor, Gornal wood
- Smith Benjamin, horse dealer, Leopard, Upper Gornal
- Smith Edw, grocer, Yew tree inn, Coseley
- Smith Elzbth, shopkeepr, West Coseley
- Smith Enock, shopkeeper, Daisy bank
- Smith George, butcher, Upper Gornal
- Smith. George, Swan, Swan village
- Smith Geo senr, shopkeepr, Wallbrook
- Smith George, pattern maker and pawn broker, Wallbrook
- Smith John, surgeon, Yew tree house, Yew tree lane, Coseley
- Smith William, provision dealer, Full wood's end, Coseley
- Southall Emma, shopkpr, Lower Gornal
- Stanley Benjamin, beer retailer
- Stanley Benjamin, shopkeeper, Can lane
- Stanley Eber, provision dealer, White Horse, Ettingshall
- Stanley Jabez, beer retailer, Can lane
- Stanley Moses, maltster and corn dealer, Ettingshall, Coseley
- Stanley Simeon, beer retalr, Ettingshall
- Stanley Simeon, shopkeeper, Wallbrook
- Stanton John, grocer, Upper Gornal
- Swindell John, grocer, Wallbrook
- Taft Elzbth, Painters' Arms, Cose!ey Ln
- Tandy Josh, beer retailer, High st
- Taylor John, Black Horse, Skidmore row, Coseley
- Taylor Wm, Prince Albert.Upper Gornal
- Thomas Isaac, bookseller and news agent, Upper Gornal
- Thompson Jno W, chemist and druggist
- Thompson W. H. & G. S. (executors of), Upper Gornal
- Thompson Richd, butcher, Swan village
- Tinsley Eliza, nail, chain and rivet mkr
- Tomes John, hosier and pawnbroker, Gospel end st
- Tompson Chas A. J, surgeon, Up Gornal
- Turley James, Brook, Woodsitton
- Turley Jas, provision dlr, West Coseley
- Turley John, beer retailer, Cinder hill
- Turley J. & T, iron and coalmasters, Coseley
- Turley Josh, shopkeeper, Can lane
- Turley Thomas, Duke of York, West Coseley
- Turley Thos, iron and coalmaster, West Coseley
- Turner Peter, shpkpr, Coppice, Coseley
- Turner S, grocer, Gornal wood
- Turner William, shopkeeper, Woodcross
- Turton William, beer retailer, Coseley
- Underhill Thomas, tailor and shop keeper, Upper Gornal
- Walker Jph, stonemason, Upper Gornal
- Walker Jph, Horse & Jockey, Dudley rd
- Walker Wm, shopkeeper, Upper Gornal
- Wallens & Foster, nail and chain manu facturers, Gospel end st
- Wallens Henry 0, maltster, Swan, Mount pleasant
- Walters Wm, shopkeepr, Lower Gornal
- Waterhouse B. & W, screw manufac turers, Can lane screw works
- Waterfield John, Cottage Spring, Upper Gornal
- Waterfield William, mining agent and fire-brick maker, Upper Gornal
- Weaver John, bootmaker, Church st
- Webb Hannah, beer retlr, Swan village
- Webb Samuel, shopkeeper, Ettingshall
- Webb Thomas Heath, beer retailer, Upper Gornal
- Webb Win, shopkeeper, Mount pleasant , Coseley
- Weede Richard, provision dealer, Dark house lane, Coseley
- Wellings Joseph, blacksmith and wheel wright, Upper Gornal
- Westwood John, shpkpr, Upper Gornal
- Westwood John, shopkeeper, and dealer in british wines, Dudley rd
- Westwood Jonthu, shpkpr, Upr Gornal
- Wheeler Geo, provision dealer, High st
- White John, Spread Eagle, Coseley gn
- Whitehouse Brothers, firebrick and clayworks, Prior field, Coseley
- Whitehouse George & Elisha, maltsters, Tipton rd
- Whitehouse Hy Bnj, iron & coalmastrs, Prior field, Coseley
- Whitehouse Isaac, fireclay and brick works, Roseville , Coseley
- Whitehouse Thos, shopkper, Cinder hill
- Wilkes Abel, tailor, Gornal wood
- Wilkes John, shopkpr, Mount pleasant
- Wilkes Stephen, nail manufacturer
- Williams Henry Samuel, stone mer chant, Upper Gornal
- Williams Isaac, butter dlr. Upper Gornal
- Williams Jph, shopkeepr, Upper Gornal
- Williams Jph, beer rtlr, Upper Gornal
- Williams Philip & Sons, coal masters, Hardingfeld colliery, Daisy bank
- Wise Edward, bootmaker, Gornal wood
- Wise John, iron basket maker, Coseley
- Wolverson Joseph Saunders, tailor, Upper Gornal
- Wood W. C. & Sons, grocers, Upper Gornal
- Wright Samuel, greengrocer, High st
- Wynn Thomas, shopkeeper, Woodsitton
- York Thos, blacksmith, Gospel end st

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