NOTE. Unless otherwise stated, born in the County of Staffs.
Adult ages should be rounded down to nearest multiple of 5.
All names appear as interpreted/as appears on film.
Once a surname appears at an address, it is not repeated unless a different surname intervenes.
If any people following a surname have an unqualified surname, then it is to be taken as the last mentioned surname that appears before it. Also, surnames appear in upper case.
Until a different address name appears, it is the same as the previous one.
Households will be separated by a series of full stops (including households within 1 building).
I apologise for any omissions/mistakes and obviously take no responsibilities/liabilities for them.
F.S.=Female servant, M.S.=Male Servant.
John GITTINS 50 Ag Lab
Margaret 55
Samuel JONSTON 35 Ag Lab
Ann 25
William PUGH 25 Ag Lab
Hannah 25
Martha 6
William 3
John 3m
Thomas SLATER 50 Mine Burner
Hannah 50
Edward 15 Mine Burner
Harriot 15
Sarah 13
Elizabeth 10
Joseph MEREDITH 50 Nailor
Sarah 50
Ann 20
Sarah 15
Mary 12
Cornelius JONSTON 40 Nailor
Tryphina 10
Thomas HORTON 70 Ag Lab
Hannah 40
Ann 12
Benjamin JONSTON 40 Wheelwright
Elenor 40
Benjamin 15 Wheelwright
Diniah(girl) 12
Samuel 10
Amelia 20
Joseph 8
Nemiah?(boy) 2
James RODGERS 30 Ag Lab
Mary 25
James 4
Jane 2
William EVANS 25 Cooper
Ann 20
Joseph EGGINTON 50 Ag Lab
Mary POOL 45
Mary 20
Joseph 15 Lab
James 15
John 12
Ann 10
William 8
Samuel HEDGE 50 Carpenter
Mary 50?/58?
John 12
Pamala 9
Arthur HEDGE 20 Puddler of Iron N
John HICKMAN 20 Ag Lab
Sarah 20
Henry 1
Thomas ADDIS 50 Farmer
Mary 60
John LESTER 15 Ag Lab
George 10 Ag Lab
John GAVIELL????? 25 Groser(sic)
Albini?? (female) 25
Mary 6
Sarah 4
Ann WEBB 15 F.S.
James POOL 25 Ag Lab
Thomas FEREDAY 40 Farmer N
Elizabeth IRELAND 30
Jonathan DEAN 35 M.S.
James POUND 15 M.S. N
Sophia (C?)OLLETTS 20 F.S.
John LANE 30 Shoemaker
Elizabeth 30
William 7
Rosena 4
Ann 2
Sarah SHELDON 20 F.S.
William HALL 15 Shoe M
Daniel SHELDON 15 Shoe M
Benjamin HAMPTON 10 Shoe M
John BROOKS 20 Blacksmith
Dinah 20
Joseph 1
Edward LASHGLOND?? 25 Forgeman
Hannah 25
Mary 9
Edward 3
John BAYLISS 50 Labourer
Elizabeth 40
Benjamin 20 Puddler of Iron
Sarah 11
Hannah 9
Emma 6
John DAVIES 25 Forgeman
Jane 20
Ann 2
Thomas MORRIS 25 Forgeman
Harry 20 Forgeman
John POPE 20 Ag Lab
Susanna 20
Thos 2
Hannah 5m
William (UR?)IGSTEAD 45 Nailor
Elizabeth 30
Maria 1
James HYDE 15 Nailor
Sarah 11
Hannah BRITTLE 25
Ann 2
Joseph BULLO(CK??) 45 Nailor
Sarah 45
Henry 20 Ag Lab
Mary 12
William 9
Samuel HICKMAN 30 Ag Labourer
Mary 35
John 12
Joseph 10
Sopiah 6
Elizabeth 4
Richard ELEY 55 Ag Lab
James 50 Ag Lab
Joseph CLIFT 45 Gardener
Elizabeth 45
Samuel H(W?)ICKSTEAD 30 Nailer
Sarah 30
Martha 9
Thomas 7
Elizabeth 3
Ann 1
Richard COLLETTS 45
Ann 45
Ezra 20
Sarah 15
Mary HEMMINGS 45 Widow
Thomas 20 Ag Lab
John 20 Ag Lab
Sarah 15
John BOX 40 Ag Lab
Elizabeth 35
Ann 13
Sarah 10
William 5
Charles 2
Rose 1m
John (P?)ORTON??? 35 Farmer
?Elizabeth 35
Sarah GILLARD 80 Widow
John DAVIES 40 Ag Lab
Elizabeth 40
Harriot 20
Thomas 15 Cabinet M
Benjamin BAGLEY 65 Ag Labourer
Sarah 65
Thomas 20 Cordwainer
Edward WITTON 40 Nailor
Ann 35
Enoch 13
Hannah 11
Job 6
John 3
Thomas 9m
Thomas HICKMAN 55 (W?)oodman
Sarah 55
Thomas 20 Ag Lab
Henry 15 Ag Lab
Martha 15
Ann 12
George ADDIS 3
James DAVIES 50 Ag Lab
Joshua JEAVONS 50 Ag Lab
Hannah 55
John 23 Ag Lab
Thomas 17 Ag Lab
Harriot 15
Ann 20
Benjamin WORLIN??? 50 Nailor
Mary 50
Edward 15 Nailor
Hannah 10
Benjamin 25 Bricklayer
Mililda(sic) 20
Harriot 3
John ADDIS 30 Shoemaker
Mary 25
Thomas 10
James RICHARD 50 Ag Lab
Margaret 50
James 20 Ag Lab
Martha 15
Peter 15
John 5
Edward 3
Samuel BARRETT 65 Ag Lab N
Elizabeth 50
Henry DEANS 25 Ag Lab
Edward BRADLEY 35 Ag Lab
Ursula 35 N
Eliza 4
Elizabeth 5m
James DEILEY 65 Farmer
Elizabeth 65
Emma 25
Joseph 14 Ag Lab
Joseph 40 Ag Lab
Benjamin LEMN 60 Ag Lab N-S/I/Foreign Parts
Thomas EBERHALLS 20 M.S. N-S/I/Foreign Parts
Joseph WICKSTEAD 35 Ag Lab
Elizabeth 35
Fanny 15
Samuel 12
Hannah 5
Joseph POOL 50 Nailor
Thomas 20 Ag Lab
Joseph 20
Amelia 15
Enoch 12
Sarah 8
Harriot 6
Samuel MEREDITH 20 Nailor
Mary 25
Joseph 2
Mary 4m
Hannah BRADLEY 75 Widow
Joseph WITTON 17 Nailor
Thomas 45
Aggness 45
Mary 25
Sarah 14
Harriot 9
George ADDIS 35 Gardener
Elizabeth 35
Ann 8
Joseph 4
Sarah 1
John 70 Nailor
Nancy 60
Edward GLOVER 45 Cordwainer N-S/I/Forn Prts
Elizabeth POWNEY 50
George 2
David HICKMAN(+S?) 35 Nailor
Hannah 35
Elizabeth 70
William SOUTHALL 12 M.S.
John SMITH 40 Ag Lab
Jane 40
Eliza 13
Richard 9
Maria 2
Robert HARPER 50 Gamekeeper
Harriot 40 N-S/I/Forn Prts
John 8
John WARD 20 Gamekeeper
Joseph NICHOLLS 35 Ag Lab
Mary 30
Mary 2
Thomas 6m
Sarah LAW 20
William 2m
Elizabeth PUALTON??? 35 F.S.
Joseph BARNBROOK 25 M.S. N-S/I/Forn Pts.
Charles ALLETT 14 M.S.
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